Some of you may know that the original Mr Flash365 and me are a really life couple and on 2nd July we will officially become Mr & Mrs Flash365. (We've even had a wedding card addressed to us as that!)
So I have decided that I will take a short break from posting here and return in a couple of weeks.
We are getting married on Monday at 12.30 and will be in Scotland for a few days, before travelling back south again later in the week. Then we are very lucky and will be heading off to Marrakesh for a week of relaxing and sunbathing.
During this time I still hope to be writing but must admit there may be days when I will struggle to get out a story because of, well you know. And we don't know whether our 2 hotels will have wi-fi so I can post anyway.
My plan is to instead hand-write stories and I will type them up when we get back to normal life. This should be mid-July so I hope to post 2 per day for the rest of July and fingers crossed will be back to where I should be for the start of the next month.
I'll try hard not to have 14 stories about weddings - maybe I should change the month's theme so I have 31 stories about weddings - but who knows what will come out.
We both hope you are having a lovely summer and we are both really grateful for everyone's good wishes, both about the wedding and about the Flash365 projects.
But our virtual child, Son of Flash365, will still be posting for the duration so I hope you will give him a look. He's great, especially if you like giants or zombies which he does very well. He posts here
So I will see you in a couple of weeks, when I truly will be Mrs Flash365.
Kath x
So I have decided that I will take a short break from posting here and return in a couple of weeks.
We are getting married on Monday at 12.30 and will be in Scotland for a few days, before travelling back south again later in the week. Then we are very lucky and will be heading off to Marrakesh for a week of relaxing and sunbathing.
During this time I still hope to be writing but must admit there may be days when I will struggle to get out a story because of, well you know. And we don't know whether our 2 hotels will have wi-fi so I can post anyway.
My plan is to instead hand-write stories and I will type them up when we get back to normal life. This should be mid-July so I hope to post 2 per day for the rest of July and fingers crossed will be back to where I should be for the start of the next month.
I'll try hard not to have 14 stories about weddings - maybe I should change the month's theme so I have 31 stories about weddings - but who knows what will come out.
We both hope you are having a lovely summer and we are both really grateful for everyone's good wishes, both about the wedding and about the Flash365 projects.
But our virtual child, Son of Flash365, will still be posting for the duration so I hope you will give him a look. He's great, especially if you like giants or zombies which he does very well. He posts here
So I will see you in a couple of weeks, when I truly will be Mrs Flash365.
Kath x
Congratulations! :) Best of luck for the wedding, hope it's a wonderful day!