Thursday, 11 October 2012

164: To Kill a Mockingbird

Genevieve was the first cat to learn some of the finer human skills.  She began to walk on two legs and with the help of a stool to reach the oven, she began to cook simple meals.  She took up smoking, sometimes rolling her own cigarettes, and had a liking for 12-year-old malt whisky.  Her hobbies included flower arranging, knitting and reading fiction.

Genevieve had a library card and each week she visited her local branch and selected a new book to read.  Mostly she selected by the titles as some of her feline friends had yet to perfect reading as well as she had, so she had few recommendations.

Last week she found one called ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’ and she took it out, excited about the find.  Would it be a horror story or a natural thriller or maybe a “how to” manual?

Fifty pages in, disappointed with a tale of racism and injustice not of avian murder, Genevieve decided to become a writer in order to fill the niche in publishing she and her more intelligent cat friends would soon start to demand.

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